Cold Sore Treatment

Did you know that nearly two thirds of the population carries the virus that causes cold sores? You can catch the virus from kissing, from sharing a drink–just from living your life and unknowingly interacting with something that’s infected with the virus. For an issue this common, it seems like the solution should be fast-acting, easy to find, and judgment-free. Well, now it is.

Julie’s Cold Sore Treatment uses 10% Docosanol to start treating the symptoms of cold sores as soon as they start. When you first feel that tingle, dab on some cream up to five times a day until it heals. This pocket-sized tube can stay with you at the office, on your commute, at home, and on a night out. No prescription necessary.

  • The active ingredient, Docosanol, works as an antiviral with specific efficacy against cold sores/fever blisters. It stops viruses from entering cells and prevents them from replicating.
  • Docosanol 10% is the only non-prescription cold sore medicine approved by the FDA to shorten healing time and duration of symptoms.
  • The sooner it’s taken, the better it works. Apply Julie Cold Sore Treatment to the affected area on the face or lips when you first feel “tingle”–first sign of cold sore/fever blister.

Begin using the Cold Sore Treatment at the start of symptoms of a cold sore (usually a tingling sensation at the site of a developing blister). Apply 5 times daily. Stop use and ask a doctor if your cold sore gets worse or is not healed within 10 days. Do not apply inside the mouth or on genital herpes lesions.

Allergy Alert: This product may cause a severe allergic reaction. Symptoms may include hives, facial swelling, wheezing, difficulty breathing, shock and/or rash. If an allergic reaction occurs, stop use and seek medical help right away. Do not use if you are allergic to any ingredient in this product.

Begin using docosanol at the first sign of a cold sore (usually a tingling sensation).

Docosanol treats multiple cold sore symptoms. Other topical OTC products can help with pain but not the duration of a cold sore outbreak.

Compare Julie Cold Sore Treatment to the active ingredient in Abreva®

Docosanol treats pain associated with occasional cold sores. It can reduce pain, and minimize the duration of a breakout. Docosanol does not prevent transmission to others or prevent future outbreaks.

Docosanol stops viruses from entering cells and prevents them from replicating.

Pain and lesion duration will be less than previous outbreaks. If the lesion is still present after 10 days, stop using docosanol and speak with your doctor.

Docosanol does not require a prescription, and has fewer systemic side effects compared to other oral antivirals.

Docosanol is an aliphatic alcohol that works as an antiviral specifically against herpes labialis (also known as cold sores or fever blisters), primarily caused by oral herpes simplex virus (HSV1). Docosanol has been shown to reduce the duration of symptoms (like pain and lesions) caused by herpes labialis.